The application deadline is October 31, 2017. Early application is encouraged. Late applications will only be considered if space is available.
Applications must include the following materials:
1. A completed Festival Application Form.
2. A .mp3 file, or a YouTube performance, or a website link to a performance recording, or a good quality, recent (within the past three years) CD recording (labeled with the name of the choir and conductor, and date of recording) of the choir, of not more than 15 minutes duration. At least one piece must be unaccompanied. APPLICATIONS CANNOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A RECORDING. (Please note, CD’s cannot be returned).
3. Brief biographies of the choir and the conductor.
4. A photo of the choir. Please label the back of the photo with the full name of the choir and country.
5. A photo of the conductor. Please label the back of the photo with the full name of the conductor, the name of the choir and country.
Choirs will not be considered until all application materials are available to the review committee.